Hello MOBRA Ridership!
Hard to believe the first race of 2015 is 16 days away. By now, you should have all received the BAR calendar in your mailboxes.
Monday, Feb. 9 @ 8:00 (see meeting logistics tab) is MOBRA’s monthly meeting. On the agenda for Monday will be the following:
1. New Board Nominations – Jennifer Schook and Brian Dziewa have submitted applications to be board members.
***Board members are elected by the majority of the MOBRA voting members (see Article 7.1)
***See Article 8 on voting) Each Club/Team has 1 vote, Board members have 1 vote regardless of team affiliation, and 1 rider representing the unattached racers demographic also gets a vote.
2. Continued BAR program discussion for 2016. Spring meetings are a great time to get next year’s programs lined up. Not so much bylaws or change in category structure or tracking, rather than the program itself. i.e number of events that should be considered for BAR and so on.
3. MO State Championship proposal
4. If time, possible MO Crit Series discussion. Ideas on other programs that would get more racers racing more days. (junior incentive program, BAR, Crit Series and so on)
Conference call will be set up for the outliers. Meeting will start promptly at 8:00 pm. Hope many of you can come out and participate in the meeting.